Surprisingly, Yes. I've seen a couple of his interviews and he spells out his position with no BS. I admire any politician who speaks the truth.
I agree. I don't like his vot, but understand how he made it. I get the sense that he really does care about his district, and works in its best interests. That makes 1. If only we could get the other 435 toi do the same.
So, he's ok with a surgical airwar in Europe's backyard (no risk, media crying for it) but he's got no stomach for intervening in the slaughter of over a half-million in Rwanda (media completely absent until it was over). Clinton was ruled by the polls. A man of enormous potential, keen intellect, magnetic personality .... and absolutely zero moral scruples of his own. One of the worst Presidents ever. Only one worse in my generation was Carter. Who was, by far, worse than Nixon. There. That should give you something to rant about! :lol: And yes, I meant every word of it. :thumb: And for the record, I'm not an interventionist. But I do draw the line at events approaching genocide.
If 75% of his constituents want him to vote for the bill, then he has to vote for the bill. He represents them. It's a unique situation because if William Jefferson wasn't a lying thief he'd be representing that district. Cao's a one termer in all probability.
i dont want elected officials to do what the people want. the people's decision-making capabilities are not impressive. i want capable people elected and for them to do what they think is best for the district. there is a big difference. the people get their voice on election day, not every day on every issue.
yeah, lets NOT elect wealthy, educated, intelligent, productive achievers, let's elect OTHER people:insane:the opposite:huh: