None of those guys in there? Really? I guess it's just like the other HOF's, over run with corruption
I'm sure she can play just as well either way Now if you are asking my opinion, honey I wouldn't go near that skank. Aside from the obvious I don't think I could get past her politics or her hairy armpits. Someone else can have a crack at her.
I get the subjective part but come on....she doesn't play an instrument other than the skin flute, her voice is auto-tuned to the hilt, her songwriting consists of nothing more than teenage angst, dance bop, and sexual imagery. She's not much of a dancer but she sure can wear a bustier and manipulate herself on stage. Selling records isn't an indication of talent. This little diddy ended up selling 442,000 copies and had over 166 million views on Youtube. And this pathetic punk piece of shit ....3.75 BILLION youtube views, 14,900,000 albums sold, 5 #1 albums on Billboard.
Funny, I was thumbing through a people or something like that today and saw this little shithead and thought to myself, "you know, He is very close to the top of the I need to kick his ass list".