2014 State of the Union Address

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUTiga, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    "I will do whatever I have to do with or without congress" IOW I will circumvent the rules to get what I want. You know, same shit he has been doing for years now.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    President's have issued executive orders since George Washington. There is nothing unconstitutional about it nor are rules circumvented. It's damn sure nothing Obama invented. His 167 executive orders are less than his predecessor (291) and far less than other Presidents (FDR=3,522; Truman=907; Reagan=381)

    What provision of the Constitution do Presidents violate by using their Executive authority?
  3. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Fair point Red and it isn't that the president uses executative orders but it will be how he uses them. Of course there will be overload in the political discussion sphere but the real determination will be in what congress and the courts do in response. As you noted it is a valid tool of presidents. However president Obama has shown a tendency to use executive power to circumvernt existing laws that are questionable legally. For example his supposed recess appoints to the NRLB seem to be headed to overthrow by the Supreme court. Likewise his unilateral action in changing legal deadlines and mandates in the AHCA seem pretty shaky though likel won't be challengedas those opposed to the act like the fact he has had to do that. Finally it remains to be seen if his executive orders to the EPA on pollution standards will hold up.

    As you said it is a valid tool of presidents but that Shane, gver, I and others are concerned with the substance of these orders is valid as well.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You can be concerned with the substance of the orders, but that is just your politics. Shane stated that the President was being unconstitutional and breaking rules and that is simply untrue. Nothing unconstitutional about recess appointments either, it's been done since George Washington. You are wrong if you think the Supreme Court is considering changing the recess appointments law because Obama used it. They are changing it based on both parties tendency to use it, not to keep the government running as was originally intended, but as political tools used to combat a divisive Congress politically blocking appointments for many months. And be aware that this will not just limit Obama's ability to make recess appointments, but also the next republican President.

    Back in 2003, when the conservatives here were clamoring for more executive authority be given to the President to fight terror, I pointed out that they should think twice about giving Dubya powers that they would feel uncomfortable seeing President Hillary exercise. Now that conservatives are clamoring for less executive powers, they should remember that it will deprive future Republicans the same authority.
  5. uscvball

    uscvball Founding Member

    Dec 16, 2006
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    Wars ended? How about we consider hostile conflicts. It's a long list. How about the amount of humanitarian aid to most of those countries, the ones we continue to try and buy but can't afford? Obama has mishandled many foreign leaders and Russia still sits at or near the top of the enemy list.

    Al Qaeda on the run? Please. Syria is a mess and this is part of the reason..."
    Some of the al Qaeda militants going to fight in Syria have bases in neighbouring Turkey and can easily access Europe from the NATO member state, Israel's military intelligence chief said on Wednesday.

    Major-General Aviv Kochavi, presenting a map of the Middle East marked with areas of al Qaeda presence, told a security conference al Qaeda fighters from around the world entered Syria weekly, "but they do not stay" there.

    The map showed three al Qaeda bases inside Turkey." Al Qaeda has taken hits but they just keep coming back, like rodents.

    We have not overcome the recession (which Obama denied we were ever in BTW), the economy is not booming, unemployment is down because so many people have simply dropped out and have quit looking for work. If the only goal was to "launch" a health care law then bueno, he gets goody goody points. Has it been successful or in any way cost saving? Not even close and probably never will be.

    Poverty among many of the lowest wage earners has continued. Single parenthood and welfare are surging. Illegal aliens continue to suck off the American economy. Congress is still useless and yet have continued to increase their own personal wealth. This country is still just as divided, if not more, than when he took office. Taxes continue to go up, services continue to go down. I don't know about you but under the current administration, my planned retirement earnings disappeared....they are gone. I pay more in taxes and I struggle to keep my head above water. I don't live beyond my means and have continued to cut. I give less and that's what OBumble doesn't get. And still, all he can do is blame Bush. IMO, he has been one of the worst Presidents ever and certainly one of the worst in my lifetime.
  6. gyver

    gyver Rely on yourself not on others.

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Drones are included in my Sportsman license. Don't even need a drone stamp for them 10ga 3 1:2" magnum with BBB. Like shooting geese. Big f. N geese. :D
  7. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Me too. I also think it's chicken shit how the Republicans (or whatever party the President is not in other terms) just sit and essentially thumb their noses while the opposing party claps. Like someone said last night, it's all become more of a pep rally than anything. I didn't pay particular attn to his content cause I was making preparations to cook my girls a big breakfast this morning but I did notice an upbeat tempo and thought, in that regard, he did well. I noticed he touched on some of points of contention with some humor and thought that was handled well.

    Sure but there are ways to do that without saying "I" and this dickwad has access to the best speech writers there are. His "Tweaking", I'd bet, is where those "I's" come in. When a person in a position as such feels the need to say "I", trust me, he's an insecure muther phucker. Michelle needs to let him get on top sometimes.

    What I said above.
  8. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Then list them and we'll discuss it. Obama has handled foreign policy very well.

    But we can afford foreign aid. It is a tiny fraction of war expenses and far more effective. We buy the support of many countries, its why our military has bases in over 100 of them all over the world. We have turned implacable enemies into allies with foreign aid. Egypt is now at peace with Israel because we own them. We still truck supplies through Pakistan because of foreign aid. Russia and especially China are out there laying money down on countries and a Superpower cannot afford to let this go unchallenged. Much of this aid consists of money that can only be spent on American products, so it comes back.

    The problem with the Russians is not Obama nor Bush, who had even worse relations with them. The Problem is that Vladimir Putin is a KGB cold-warrior with delusions of a new Soviet Union.

    Thank you, yes. The core Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been decimated by targeted attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere and because their sources of income have been raided as well. They have been unable to strike the US again.

    Radical islamists have been like rodents in the middle east for millennia. It's just lately that they have been calling themselves Al Qaeda affiliates. This isn't bin Ladin's AQ. These are locals with local agenda's, like taking down Syria. They offer small threat to us and trying to go to a guerrilla war to fight them all is a senseless game of Whack-A-Mole.

    Nonsense on both counts. Obama never denied that there was a recession, how else could he take credit for having needed it? And it did indeed end in the summer of 2009 by all definitions of what a recession is. We have now had 16 quarters of positive GDP growth.

    Take another look. GDP is growing. All three US stock markets posted all-time highs this year. 2008 losses have all been regained and exceeded. We have slashed oil imports and have a natural gas boom. We are far ahead of Europe. Energy production is up and consumption is flat. The economy is quite healthy any way you want to measure it. I know that California has problems, but it looks much rosier in the rest of the country.

    Unemployment is 6.7 percent. You can't change the way unemployment is calculated just because you dislike a president. There have always been people who do not look for work.

    Time will tell, it just started and you cannot judge it yet. Certainly you cannot judge it by wild guesses as to what it may do.

    So you support Obama's plan to raise the minimum wage?

    Nothing new. Nothing that happened only to Obama.

    Congress is not Obama's responsibility.

    What exactly did Obama do to make your retirement money disappear? Be specific. Is it a California thing? My retirement accounts are all doing really well allowing me to retire early. My 2008 losses have been regained and added to.

    Worse than Nixon or Dubya or Carter? I don't think so. We all blame Bush for what Bush is responsible for. It is only logical. You can't make Obama responsible for the wars and economic collapse that happened before he was in office. Obama was handed a pretty raw deal--deep recession, unemployment, and two unfinished expensive wars--yet he has brought us a long way.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    More like Kabuki theater. Someone on CNN pointed out the unwritten rules for SOTU clapping. The supreme court attends and they almost never clap unless the president says that the US is a great country. They never stand up. The Pentagon brass attends and they only clap for positive defense statements. The president's cabinet must stand and clap wildly at almost everything. The opposition claps for almost nothing.
  10. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    So many. I'd start with the gun regulation...FAIL. LMFAO. Dumbass had the exact opposite affect. He'll go down and THE president unde which the most handguns were purchased. I know I have 3 more than I did pre-Obama.

    I know no matter how much evidence I throw up in here, your hard-head won't admit anything so suffice it to say IT DOES NOT MATTER, really, what you or I think he accomplished...or didn't. PERCEPTION, that IS reality and he's got problems right now.

    He knows it, Democratic candidates whose seats are up know it and it's why they're steering clear of him. His party is concerned about losing the Senate and more seats in the House. One look at Obama's state-by-state approval rating averages says all that matters.

    Granted there is still time and it could change but currently he's looking at Republicans needing to capture six seats to win control of the Senate, and Democrats having to defend five deep-red states—Arkansas, Alaska, Montana, South Dakota, and West Virginia—where Obama's approval rating was at or below 35 percent.

    His approval rating in another two Democratic-held states he lost in 2012, We all know the situation in Louisiana (40 percent) but also in another Demacratid-held state he lost in 2012-North Carolina 43 percent. Colorado and Iowa, which Obama won, are at 42 percent.

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