In all the visible aspects of the job, Alleva definitely appears to be a weak AD. Which tells me there's some financial behind-the-scenes dealings that in some way pleases his bosses on the BoS. Enough to give him a raise when Tennessee's dumpster fire of an athletic department went after him.
Not on AMAB's schedule, that's for sure.
The only game that should be on Thanksgiving day is the one that the Detroit Lions lose every year--LSU should be on the day AFTER!
There are talks about having two SEC games on Thanksgiving day in the future. Having a game like LSU vs A&M for an 8PM kick that night? That would be a hell of a way to end the day!
I'm surprisingly okay with the Thanksgiving Day game ... this is likely because I don't hang out with my family etc, and I'm always off work (or if I am at work it's dead and I can change our big screen over). Just means I watch a lot of football on that day.
Les should be doing cartwheels. BAMA is going to soften up Florida for you, again. Last time this happened, there was nothing left but a 3rd string QB for the Bengals to concern themselves with. You are welcome.