The problem is.. you don't seem to be grasping the differences between 'facts' and 'opinions'. Look at your attack on Miles.. for example. :miles:
Having a national championship under his belt is a fact. Being undefeated in bowl games is a fact. Calling a timeout after an interception is a fact (lol). He makes questionable calls now and then.. but which coach doesn't? He's won ~80% of his games at LSU and he's still questioned. When he wins his 2nd BCSCG it will be luck. Plain and simple -- you can't argue against results. Back to Luc.
Tell Luc that Louisiana has Lots of Haitian heritage. My own Creole heritage comes from Haiti when it was known as Sainte Domingue. He'd fit right in here culturally. It is hard to find Barbancourt here however so he'll have to bring us some when he commits to LSU !!!
Going 8-5 last year when it should have been 12-1, is a fact. Not starting Jefferson the whole year last year, another fact. He makes questionable calls more than every now and then. You guys should have contended last year for a NC. Your HC, DC, hell the whole coaching staff seem to be clueless the entire year.
Sorry, but saying that LSU should have contended for a NC after dismissing their heir apparent at QB is simply not realistic. Not team in the SEC had less experience at QB than LSU did. When your most experienced QB's claim to fame is starting on Harvard's JV team, you're in trouble. And of all the schools to talk trash about someone's HC, Miami has the least reason to brag. Anyone who watched the embarrasing clock mismanagement of the Hurricane coaching staff against Cal in the bowl game knows Miami has issues of their own. Simply put, you're a troll. :lol:
The thing that you and the rest of your defendents don't understand is that during practices you should be able to see when there is a signifcant gap between talent. I am referring to the qb position, because Jefferson did not just turn on the light bulb and play well against Georgia Tech, those talents were there at from the start. And that is just one example. And yes if Jefferson played the entire season LSU would have contended, because obviously, he was a lot better than Lee and Hatchet. Randy is a defensive coach and he is going into his third year of head coaching, he has learned from his mistakes.
Wow you can tell that from watching him in one bowl game where he had a month to prepare for only one opponent. You sir are my hero.