2007 Expectations for LSU

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lasportsmen, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. lasportsmen

    lasportsmen Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    I'm wondering what Tiger nation preseason expectations were this year? Compare that to now, any difference? Mine were conference champions, no more than two-loss season including bowl. Did anybody expect to lose to Kent and Ark, but beat Va. Tech, Fla, Aub and Bama? See some interesting articles on http://thelouisianasportsmen.com/ about expectations. It makes you think a little bit about if Miles has done a good job this year or not! Until he wins some kind of title, then he has not met expectations. Pelini has forgotten the word "blitz" and recent articles in newspapers are making injuries as the excuse with Miles leading the injury excuse bandwagon...I'm not on board with that!
  2. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I didn't expect to lose to Arkansas but by the same token I didn't expect to beat VT early, I wasn't sure if we could beat Fla, AU or Bama, all three.

    Probably not, glad to be where we are and playing in Atlanta.
    You are talking preseason here, my expectations changed after the first half of the season!
    We seemed to be dominate and on a roll.
    I'm on the fence here?
    People on this board are making all kind of excuses also including tired, injuries, etc.
    Nevermind the wins and loses, when looking back at the season it makes you geaux :huh:
    We started off so strong and seem to fizzle out in the end, we had to outscore everyone because after a while we our defense had trouble stopping offenses, then the red zone issue for most of the year.
    The Blitz thing, yep?
    None of it makes any sense to me?
    I don't think we lost that many defensive players from last year either after we dominated a pretty good ND team, I think they were then?
  3. DwayneBowned

    DwayneBowned Founding Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I expected an early season loss to VTech and then undefeated all the way to a championship win.

    Guess I was a bit off
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  4. lasportsmen

    lasportsmen Founding Member

    Nov 25, 2007
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    Been wondering which game, if any one game, made Pelini lose his "blitz" nerve? Also wondering why Miles has never openly questioned or called on the carpet the way the defense is coached. See tuberville and spurrier as two coaches who lets coaches have it when deserved. If players are up for criticism then big-time coaches are too!
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  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I don't know but I think we were obviously better blitzing and pressuring teams instead of picking us a part?

    I don't know maybe its because he is influencing Pelini's defense?

    Agreed but if CLM's can pull the team together for the SECCG and win everything will be just fine whether or not we win our bowl game.
    If we lose its another story.

    To be honest, I could care less about the rest of this season.
    I am more concerned of what happens next year, road schedule a lot of seniors are gone.
    Not sure which direction we are headed long term.
  6. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Most expected none to one loss. Here's my quote from the thread beneath, and a second thread on a poll put up here in July- knock yourself out.



    I have NO problem losing when I feel we're playing to our potential but we haven't and it's very clear. We're actually dam lucky not to be sitting with more losses right now and it's the same reasons: We come out flat, we commit stupid penalties, we let teams hang around too long and end up having to deliver a knock out punch in the final round.

    There's still a lot to play for and the season is far from a bust- a 2 loss season is nothing to shake a finger at; however, when any person who has minimal amount of knowledge of the game can see what could have been, it's hard to swallow. It's a shame that, in today's CFB world, two losses slams a lot of doors- but it is what it is........did I just say that?

    There IS still a remote shot for us to play in the NC Game though- if what I read, in a scenario that's crazy is true, but it has been a crazy year.
  7. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    Jun 12, 2003
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    I figured on 2 losses to Auburn, Kentucky or Florida. Didn't think we would take 2 of three in that stretch. never expected Arky to take us.
  8. armybass

    armybass Founding Member

    Oct 15, 2006
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    Yeah, if I thought we were going to lose 2 SEC games, they would not have been to Arkansas and Kentucky.:huh:
  9. Bengal Buddy

    Bengal Buddy Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    My expectation was we would go 11-1 in regular season, but would probably lose to Florida, Auburn or Virginia Tech. Never envisioned losing to Kentucky or Arkansas. However, I felt a 10-2 season would be acceptable, but perhaps a little disappointing.
  10. JohnLSU

    JohnLSU Tigers

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Wow. I have to admit that I'm pretty shocked at the expectations I read here (and the expectations on the pages that this thread links to). My expectation was for LSU to finish the regular season between 8-4 and 10-2. Sure if we got really lucky, we could have ended up at 11-1, but that goes the other way as well: had we got really unlucky we could have finished 7-5.

    There were 8 teams I was worried about losing to this year: VT, South Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, Auburn, Alabama, Ole Miss, and Arkansas. From what I read, most of the posters agreed with me on VT, Florida, and Auburn, a few agreed with me on South Carolina and Alabama, but not a lot agreed with me on Kentucky, Arkansas, or Ole Miss. That's pretty surprising. Did a lot of you others feel this way?

    :usaflagwa:laflagwavLSU! ​

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