Cuffed and stuffed after a minor tiff with a sooner, taken for a joy ride by one of New Orleans' finest ... and released before holding or booking. I have a good family. The sooner started it, I finished it. Anyway, diving in Antigua was good but shallow. We used about 3 different dive operators and worked mostly the south and west side of the island. Dive Boone's & Cade's reef when you're there. We did a Night Dive near Eric Clapton's home and you could hear the guitar ... it was really cool ... I illegally snagged about 8 nice young lobsters and stuffed the tails in my bag ... just another Conasse predator on the reef. We ate them when we took a diving trip to Barbuda with some of our new friends. Antigua has the prettiest beaches this side of Aruba and there's a lot more to do than diving. If it's great diving and diving alone, especially depth ... go to Turks and Caicos or Belize ... especially the southern part of Belize. My wife loves Antigua. I love Southern Belize where I can swim with the sharks and the other pelagics. They never eat their own, so I'm safe. The accomodations are great there and they have some cool jungle tours inland and at Monkey Town. Next up is diving in the Bay of Bengal and the Gulf of Thailand just before the bash. Bangkok is one of the wildest sites on earth. Starvation is a great aphrodisiac and "A SOAPY MASSAGE" (see your Google search engine) is one of the finest pleasures. They even play naked football there too, anything you want. My wife has insisted on a SPA RESORT that features Oriental Massage ... Hey give 'em what they want, right. Party Time Baybeee ... just another opportunity for old decadent ramah. I'm looking to dress up one of the Thai girls in a red OU jersey. She'll wear #18 ... hehehe ... I'll be Spears About $100 USD :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: If I wanted to get an entire naked Thai girl Sooner FB Squad in there ... about $400 for 12 girls for 2 hours, about $250 for the jerseys ... the thrill of "SPEARING" Jason White after a soapy blitz ... priceless. Before you folks think I've lost my mind completely, just know this. Most of you will never visit, much less work, in Asia or Africa. The crap you see on TV ain't far off. Thank god every day that you live in America. The only reason to go overseas is to clean up on the green to make a great retirement ... in America.
Most of us already think you have completely lost your mind but do what you gotta do to make that green. If the ragheads won't chop off your head for it I'm sure we could chip in to send you some of your favorite alcoholic beverages and meat from beasts with cloven hooves (pigs) I'll just label those long links of boudin as "American Penises" and make the tenthead inspectors jealous. Check out the link below this post. Its a video of an American Apache helicopter taking out a few