Pretty sure I just pointed that out. He is the mayor. He sets the tone and the conversation. Is it helpful to characterize the situation by saying he had to teach his biracial son to fear cops? His entire premise was that only black folks have a reason to be fearful. The conversation thus, becomes nothing but racial animus and puts ALL police officers on the defensive. In all the rioting and hate and fear mongering, exactly what leader has stepped forward to discuss the tough job of policing or the crap they put up with from an often ungrateful public? I mentioned earlier that in hundreds of thousands of misdemeanor stops and arrests in NY the previous year, Garner was the only fatality. So the mayor steps up to place blame on police, suggesting they are racist? Gotdamn, that was stupid and irresponsible not to mention very shortsighted. He has a security detail of roughly 80 officers. Just really stupid comments. Go to 44 seconds and listen to a Bed-Stuy witness share her thoughts. She's far more thoughtful than the mayor IMO.
He fed into the feeding with some comments that hung the police out. His comment lumped the whole got dam force together. The irony was that he was guilty of doing what he was wrongly accusing them of, and the saddest thing was him using his son for political reasons. Dang red, if you can't see where Obama has made countless mistakes in handling of some racial things that makes you lose a lot of cred in my book. Leaders don't say things to stir up the members of the company, they de-escalate situations. He's stirred racial relations for political gain, he's done it more than once, and had a white prez said some of the things that dumb ass has said many would be calling for him to exit. There's a reason people were not only not voting for Landrieu but went out of their way to put yard signs saying things like, "Fire Landrieu." There's a reason racial relations have worsened to the point that they're at currently. Al Sharpton's 61 visits to the White House under Obama says enough to remove any doubt about what his intentions are. That would be like your boy Bush having David Duke over.
I get that but there's a difference between you saying it and the Mayor of NY saying it. Let me put it to you another way, Nebraska fans calling their AD a pussy is one thing but when Bo P says it, it carries a different message. Obama doesn't fart, he "poots."
Terrible tragedy brought about by complete nonsense. Even worse, he killed himself instead of facing the music. God Bless the families of those officers. worst time.
That was not the question, please pay better attention. My response was to HWR saying that Obama and other politicians "had blood on their hands" for the murder of those two policemen by a lone nut job. That was a foolish thing to say. A knee-jerk, right-wing mantra that Obama is responsible for everything bad that happens.
Sorry, but I think blaming the President for what happened to those policemen is harsh, as well. Free Speech, amigo. You speak your mind, I speak my mind, sometimes its harsh. Sometimes its inane . . .