LOL....a team's 5-0, and they're more intense than any in 30 years? I actually tend to agree they're playing well early...I also tend to agree the guy can coach. I also tend to agree that the guy can recruit like a mutha. I also tend to agree the guy is intense. I also agree he can develop players... I also tend to think that anyone who grates on players and has had more kicked off/left out of frustration than he has years spent on the job is just someone who deserves scrutiny and a tad bit of criticism. I also tend to think that anyone who blows scholarships and allows the media to pump up players who don't even see the court for LSU and and enables them to use them as an excuse for why his team isn't playing well is a coach who's making excuses. Say what you like, but Shawnson, Tony, Tim, JueMichael, and the others (literally-too numerous to count off hand) and thugs like future All-American Jamie Lloreda are guys that Brady brought in, Brady scapegoated, and Brady either drove out of the program or made the poor decision to bring into the program. Those guys-and the problems they created, whether it be thuggish incidents, arrests, tarnishing the prestige of the program, or otherwise-were ALL on Brady.... I have steadfastly refused to bring up his off the court antics and/or mistakes, but suffice to say I have heard that he has cleared them up, and if they weren't going to make a change while it was going on, or in response to it, they're not going to do it by now... JeffinBama...Whether it's just me inferring too much into this thread (via your alluding to wasted scholarships-which is one of my main problems with this staff) or your comments on it, please, do me this favor...Acknowledge that while I have a problem with Brady as a person who has made grave personal mistakes, and I don't think he's fit to lead the LSU Basketball program, I do think that the man is a helluva basketball coach, recruiter, and teacher... I am in no posse, I am my own man...You painting a picture using any other colors is just your own misguided invective in a feeble attempt to quiet those who would not toe your purple and gold chalk drawn line...
I love Brady. He's made recruiting mistakes, but all coaches do. You have to take chances on talent. Some will listen and some won't. Sometimes you end up with a Swift and sometimes a Shawnson. So, to the Utah game...Not unexpectedly, the team needs a lot of work. They have athleticism and intensity, but not enough to carry us in SEC. I didn't see many skilled basketball players. Bass will be great! But we need some consistent shooters. I think we will get slaughtered by the upper echelon of the SEC. They will play zone D and collapse on Lloreda and Bass. We will not score. OK, maybe Hudson or Mitchell or even Minor will get hot, but it seems we have no consistent shooters. Hopefully, Hudson can become more confident and maybe Mitchell and Minor will be able to penetrate off the dribble, but I'm skeptical. Don't think I'm down on the team, I think most of this is growing pains from losing so many seniors. I just hope they can develop and squeak into the tourney.
SabanFan: What I have is a case of, "I've made arguments that absolutely NO ONE can refute or dispute, and in response, they dole me in with dolts who question this guy's obvious talents," which I've never done... Krzyzewski isn't high on my list, either...The year he magically had to quit and get back surgery, with a team full of his players and bad ones at that, he magically handed over the team and the team's results onto his assistant, who promptly lost his job because of what happened. Coach "K" magically came back the next year with a huge recruiting class and won again...I wonder...Did he know how bad his team that year was? Was he just using the surgery as an excuse? If Barry Alvarez can get out in the bitter ass cold of Wisconsin 4 weeks after quadruple bypass, then I think Coach "Special K" could have toughed out a season... But, then again, if he had lost, what would that have shown? His hubris is a joke, and anyone who wants that guy is a little more worried about wins and losses in comparison to prestige and running a clean program... Go do a Google Search on how many high level recruits that have parents who have magically found jobs through prominent Duke boosters over there in the Research Triangle...It's a little surprising... There are no D-1 coaches without blood on their hands, these days, it seems like...
TE, unless you specify what your beef with Brady is I don't understand why you hate him so much. You admit he can coach, recruit and develope players. Sure players might quit or get run off who don't fit into the system. Bobby Knight is a bigger asshole than almost any coach. Even Larry Bird quit because he couldn't stand Knight but Knight won 3 national championships. So has Coach K. Brady is not at that level but give the guy a chance to show what he can do now that LSU is off of a probation period that Brady had nothing to do with and has done a hell of a job under those conditions.
IMO,The reason TE dislikes Brady is because Brady is proving him wrong about every point TE has ever made. TE likes the soap box and like a politician, jumps on any issue that give him an audience. Notice how quickly he jumped on Ramah. Ramah was trying to infringe on the turf TE had staked out. LOL TE you said no one can refute your arguments. Your arguments have been refuted numerous times on many boards. It is your opinions that we can't refute. You say Brady ran those guys off. He says the players told him they were leaving because of lack of playing time. Now who are we to believe, a wannabe or the coach? After watching the Tigers vs Utah, I tend to believe those who left would have a lot of splinters in their butts if they had staid at LSU. Sure Brady has made some mistakes in recruiting. Show me a coach who doesn't. We wouldn't be signing 25-27 players every year in football if it all players panned out. Even Sue Gunter "runs players off" (your words) remember the Hodges twin who left. What in your opinion did Coach Gunter do to run her off?
maybe they ran off because they got scared when they saw sue gunter looks exactly like the crypt keeper* *=i am sure sue gunter is a very nice woman.