Using this logic shouldn't we place the entire program on hold for one year? Much of the country doesn't understand it...many of the numbers are continuing to change...many need more time to comply...and nobody seems to know what the true impact will be. Seems like a sensible and pragmatic option to me. One size doesn't fit all 50 states. If a state needs more time, they should get it.
Well, the feigned outrage over Pelosi died fast to be replaced by a lot of the same old whining about the health Law.
What's the odds the supreme court strikes this down? Many people think the court will rule obamacare unconstitutional and an overreach of government power. What's the odds? I say 50/50
I agree the Pelosi link is likely BS - but it wouldn't surprise me if there is some politics involved. BUT what will be really interesting is to see what happens as these one year delay's expire in an election year. I'm not looking for a conspiricy here; I'm just saying it could be interesting. If a company needs another 1 year extension it looks bad for the bill and becomes a big deal; if a company is granted another year AND they are administration supporters it becomes a big deal; if a company is denied another extension it becomes a big deal. Like I said - it could get interesting. ADDED THIS EDIT - Red, with respect to your 'one size doesn't fit all comment. I agree - totally. That's my biggest concern in this thing - government - all governments by all parties - tends to think one size should.
You had more credibility when we thought this was from a blog. You thinking that there is something wrong with a waiver is in indication of your lack of knowledge about the program and not it's status as a success or failure. It's a system that has had proven success in a capitalist, free market economy. While it's not the one I would have liked, it probably has the most chance of success. I do laugh every time I see the word "Obamacare". Perhaps it's because it used to be called "Romneycare" and before that the "GOP answer to healthcare during the Clinton Administration". Every Republican and Conservative I knew was completely sold that this was the plan that needed to be implemented for American Healthcare. Just goes to show you that most people who follow politics according to party are just sheep who follow the popular opinion instead of developing their own principles and beliefs by virtue of their intellect.
It is not feigned and it continues in those of us who are not blinded by the anointed one. As Dennis Miller said, if you think Pelosi's hands are not dirty in this, I have a Golden Gate Bridge to sell you.
Did you even read the sources? The numbers are not unusual and Congressmen had nothing to do with approving them. You will literally believe anything. If her hands are dirty, please show us how it was done. You won't, of course. You can't.