th this is true, they will find a way. however, lets not say if the teachers had guns they could have stopped this, please lets not be that idiotic.
Maybe not stop it all together but it could slow it down. Why do you have to take tests to drive vehicles, and take eye exams, but you can get whatever firearm you want. Fuck there are more restrictions on alcohol than guns.
So make it harder, make it to where you have to jump through hoops. This jackass goes in there with a knife he ain't killing 26.
For all we know this guy could have passed any psych test for a gun. People blow up and kill, it's just the way things work.
I can't think of a way to stop it. Be nice to everyone maybe? Don't abuse your kids or get divorces that create disturbed humans? I dunno
Amazing how many schools now have armed officers/metal detectors. Parents send their kids to school and expect them to return, SAFELY too. True but people with nothing to lose find them and too often. That old saying is corny but true - "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws... Nah but I wish they'd allow school admins to have an option to attend concealed carry classes and carry. Even as I say this is sounds like a lot to do about nothing in terms of the "chance" of it happening but it happens too often.