If you want to see reality TV irony, one only has to watch Intervention to see how many kids are killing themselves with drugs and alcohol because an episode or long-term situation of childhood sexual abuse went unreported, unacknowledged, unbelieved.
The guy was 14 and a minor himself when it happened. Prosecutors and judges tend to treat juveniles differently because they do not have the good judgment and responsibilities expected of an adult. Clearly he was guilty of a juvenile crime, but it does not stand to reason that he must be considered a pedophile and sexually predatory adult because of it. Especially if he has been crime free ever since and has taken responsibility for it. If we don't credit people for taking responsibility and becoming a better citizen, then why should anybody even try?
because it usually goes deeper than whats being reported. Everybodys a snake until they get caught. contrition is good in society, but this guy hits gays and anyone who doesnt adhere to his belief of the bible pretty hard
I used to watch that show to remind myself what can happen if you aren't 100% involved in your kids lives. Not like I would ever not be a good father but I think refreshing the fear and consequences of being a bad father, to some extent, is healthy.
There is evidence that some psycho/sociopathic behaviors are hard wired and treatment outcome is not very positive. However the charge can be so broad that it could cover much less deviant and threatening behavior. Also as @red55 noted the age (14), uncertainty of exactly what constituted his actions and that it has apparently not been repeated should merit acceptance of his true repentance (religious and secular). As to the charge of hypocrisy I fail to see the point. IF he truly believes homosexuality is a sin and not basic he is following those beliefs therefore NOT a hypocrit. I would agree he is incorrect in his belief and that No one chooses how they fell about sexual attraction. Likewise much of popular society, law and science agrees as well. Remember the American Psycologocal Handbook defined homosexuality as a deviant behavior into the 1960s and WHO until at least 1990. It is still seem as that in much of the world (ask a Muslim or any religious fundamentalist). Point being beliefs like the Duggers and others may be old and discredited by science but that doesn't mean they don't have currency and are not hypocritical. Now if you want to point out the confusion in belief of many fundamentalists ask them why homosexuality is wrong but divorce, eating pork, wearing gold and so many more things specifically forbidden many times by the bible are ok but homosexuality isn't.