Any young man contemplating entering into Holy Matrimony needs to understand this basic concept: Men have fun and women can't stand it.
Well I can honestly say, I've never gotten 3 or 7...:grin:, But I've damn sure gotten a good dose of all the rest including Cali's "does this make my ass look fat"? To which I always reply to my spouse "Aww, hell, everything makes your ass look fat...but I still love it babe"!!! To which, she usually smiles and flips me off in one smooth motion.:grin: Actually, I often get "I need to vent"...which usually means at some point during the venting she's gonna piss me I do my best to find a reason to bail at that point. When Mrs Debi gets upset (redhead)...the whole freakin world knows it , and even Genghis Khan would run in mortal fear...hay, and thats on one of her "better" days...Ain't married life grand!
yeah, i guess you're right. my better half is a pretty cool chick but one habit she has is trying on a good 3 to 4 outfits on before we go out. but i do like she values my opinion even if i get overridden sometimes. but i like having control of what outfit i get to take off later. :yelwink2: