Check out this website. It has step-by-step instructions on how to properly construct your hat, diagrams, and all sorts of other useful information, like what the Washington Monument is really used for. Makes you wonder. :lol:
We sittin' in here, I'm supposed to be a franchised voter, and we in here talkin' about exit polls. I mean listen, we talkin bout exit polls. Not an actual vote count, Not an actual vote count, Not an actual vote count. We talkin bout exit polls. We talkin' bout exit polls, man. I mean how silly is that? We talkin' bout exit polls.
Rex, Kerry lost. Get over it. Stop whining. It's unseemly for someone of your alleged intellect. And don't go insulting OUR intellects by giving us any of this "concerned citizen" crap. In your case, "concerned citizen" is little more than a euphemism for "sore loser", and we all know it.
I vote in Baton Rouge, and have in every Presidential election since 1984. In those 20 years, spanning 6 Presidential elections, and three different polling precincts, I have yet to see an exit pollster, much less be polled by one myself.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: If you don't have the dexterity to follow the instructions they have AFDBs (Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie) on sale for $12.95 each. Maybe we should all chip in and get Rex one for Christmas.
Well, here you go Martin... Somebody actually did a study in that, and what they found was that the exit polls matched the final Zogby poll perfectly. Zogby, if you recall, was the most accurate of the 2000 pollsters. Kerry: Exit polls (50.6%/311EV) MATCHED pre-election polls (50.52%/322EV) [pre] THIS NEEDS REPEATING: The EXIT polls AND the PRE-ELECTION polls agreed PERFECTLY. John Kerry, you WON the election. And the recounts will PROVE it. Kerry% Latest Pre_Election Polls 4pm EXIT Polls St EV Kerry% Kerry Bush Diff EV Kerry Bush Diff EV AL 9 40.63 39 57 -18 41 59 -18 AK 3 34.48 30 57 -27 40.5 59.5 -19 AZ 10 47.37 45 50 -5 47 53 -6 AR 6 50 48 48 0 6 46.6 53.4 -6.8 CA 55 53.85 49 42 7 55 54 46 8 55 CO 9 49.47 47 48 -1 49.1 50.9 -1.8 CT 7 55.32 52 42 10 7 58.5 41.5 17 7 DE 3 54.22 45 38 7 3 58.5 41.5 17 3 DC 3 87.64 78 11 67 3 91 9 82 3 FL 27 51.55 50 47 3 27 50 49 1 27 GA 15 44.68 42 52 -10 43 57 -14 HI 4 50 45 45 0 4 53.3 46.7 6.6 4 ID 4 33.71 30 59 -29 33.5 66.5 -33 IL 21 56.25 54 42 12 21 57 43 14 21 IN 11 40.21 39 58 -19 41 59 -18 IA 7 53.19 50 44 6 7 50.7 49.4 1.3 7 KS 6 38.14 37 60 -23 35 65 -30 KY 8 41.05 39 56 -17 41 59 -18 LA 9 45.45 40 48 -8 44.5 55.5 -11 ME 4 56.18 50 39 11 4 54.8 45.3 9.5 4 MD 10 55.67 54 43 11 10 57 43 14 10 MA 12 70.33 64 27 37 12 66 34 32 12 MI 17 53.61 52 45 7 17 52.5 47.5 5 17 MN 10 54.17 52 44 8 10 54.5 45.5 9 10 MS 6 45.16 42 51 -9 43.3 56.8 -13.5 MO 11 47.31 44 49 -5 47.5 52.5 -5 MT 3 38.71 36 57 -21 39.8 60.3 -20.5 NE 5 34.41 32 61 -29 36.8 63.3 -26.5 NV 5 50 49 49 0 5 49.4 50.7 -1.3 NH 4 50 47 47 0 4 55.4 44.6 10.8 4 NJ 15 54.35 50 42 8 15 55 45 10 15 NM 5 50 49 49 0 5 51.3 48.7 2.6 5 NY 31 59.38 57 39 18 31 63 37 26 31 NC 15 48.14 46.7 50.3 -3.6 48 52 -4 ND 3 38.89 35 55 -20 34 66 -32 OH 20 51.55 50 47 3 20 52.1 47.9 4.2 20 OK 7 31.46 28 61 -33 35 65 -30 OR 7 53.19 50 44 6 7 51.2 48.8 2.4 7 PA 21 52.63 50 45 5 21 54.4 45.7 8.7 21 RI 4 60.87 56 36 20 4 64 36 28 4 SC 8 43.3 42 55 -13 46 54 -8 SD 3 44.68 42 52 -10 37.8 62.3 -24.5 TN 11 48.73 47.8 50.3 -2.5 41.5 58.5 -17 TX 34 38.54 37 59 -22 37 63 -26 UT 5 25.81 24 69 -45 30.5 69.5 -39 VT 3 56.99 53 40 13 3 65 35 30 3 VA 13 47.96 47 51 -4 47 51 -4 WA 11 54.17 52 44 8 11 55 45.1 9.9 11 WV 5 48.52 45.8 48.6 -2.8 45.3 54.8 -9.5 WI 10 53.68 51 44 7 10 52.5 47.5 5 10 WY 3 30.85 29 65 -36 29 65 -36 Total 538 50.52 47.88 46.89 0.99 322 50.6 49.34 1.26 311 [/pre]
And through all the insults... the question remains: should our elections be verifiable with audits? Yes or NO
Whose insulting you?? We're only exploring ways that you can properly protect yourself against those who are conspiring against you. We're all looking out for your well being. We wouldn't want the evil big brother republicans to try and brain wash you too.
I admit... that the insults have been more subtle than direct, and somewhat humorous, but I noticed you didn't answer the question.