Sperm is derived from the Greek word Sperma, which means seed. Let me know if there is anything else I can educate you on.
Judaism is reversed. The mother’s seed conveys Jewishness. In other words if your dad is Jewish but not mom your are not either. If mom is a Jew then you are as well. In poker this would be a “tell” from the maker of the statement☦️
Per usual anything deeper than a monosyllabic grunt elicits the absolute dumbest crap from you and like minded NPC’s.
I don’t know man. They ain’t got shit enough do they. I would like to launch a bottle rocket that way also. I have some Neon Beef from New Years Eve.
Scrolled through this thread and if this point has been made already I skimmed over it. "end of democracy", the thread title says. Democracy literally means government by the people. Ironic that the party that claims its opponent is a "threat to democracy", has itself disposed of the candidate its party members selected in legal primaries and forced on them a candidate that wasn't even on the ballot before their convention. The absolute antithesis of democracy.