It would seem to me that for good channels would be so expensive that it wouldn't be worth it to go a-la-cart. I bet the five cable channels I...
Who is going to allow a-la-carte?
I really want to cut the cable, but how would I watch LSU games?
You not understanding the basis for rulings you cite is not my problem. The crux of it is this... the government needs the Selective Service card...
The basis was the government had an interest in selective service cards not being burned, and suppression of free speech was not related to that...
The policy about the flag has always been that it is a pretty piece of cloth. The Supreme Court has repeatedly been 100 % correct on this. The...
That's because a flag is just a pretty thing. There is no reason it should be cherished. If we make the flag untouchable, it loses all value....
HAHAHA. For real?
I would drop the corn flakes and use bacon for the crunch. I would probably also put this between a couple o slices of bread with a few fried...
Anyone who misses ramah is ramah. That dude sucked.
State has worried me for a while. They are due.
Don't you think if there were any truth to that at all it would be on legitimate news outlets and not on some obscure political blog? Even the...
That is incredibly hard to read, and the parts I did read were inaccurate. For instance this things talks about that public option but the health...
I don't like what this administration is doing either, but this is just silly.
Most things done by the Feds are already administered by the states. CDBG, Workforce Investment Act, Medicaid, Education, CSBG, numerous...
We should kill those kids too. Maybe we can send them to the moon. They will not be viable outside of a space suit. And as his been established...
Second trimester babies can't be aborted.
A McKinsey and Co. study is not just a poll. And 30 percent of employers talking about dropping health plans is alarming. The fact that...
He didn't say that. He said he paid more taxes than GE. That is not true. I am great, but a mind reader I am not.
In that case, no.