I studied jiu jitsu, but I have punched very few faces in my day. Nearly 100% of the faces I have punched have been in sparring sessions. I work...
I'll fight the winner. Or maybe we could do a triple threat death match. Some dude who doesn't like me at the bar I go to told me I need a good...
Whatever commie.
There are two really good things I can point out about Lasalle. 1. He can type out some funny stuff. 2. He may be as big of a sci-fo dork...
Well I am going off what I see on the news, and she looks awful on TV. She had something done. I think it is her eyes.
Because they are white.
It exists so homeless guys havea place to go BM.
Have you seen her lately? She had something done to her face and the doctor butchered her up pretty good.
That's becasue you can't send a first class letter with any other carrier.
The same issue of WWN with this story has a good feature on an Elvis impersonating Bigfoot that has bitchin sideburns.
You start doing this and every large corporation will relocate or go bankrupt in a flash. A great profit margin is 12%. With a 20% tax rate and...
I have audited a ton of claims in just about every possible line of insurance imagineable and the ones that are denied with no good reason are...
I don't know where you plan on staying, but be careful if you decide to walk to and from campus. There are some pretty rough neighborhoods north...
The main difference of course is the ethanol subsidies are tax credits so the ethanol industry can be profitable (handouts), and the so-called oil...
Yeah that sucks for a guy like you. I pay an effective rate of about 1.5 to 3 percent on my near six figure income. Child tax credits,...
Lots of drug smuggler's are smart. Frank Lewis could have been a fortune 500 CEO, but liked selling heroin better.
A friend of mine went through a DWI checkpoint completely sober, but thought it would be funny to pretend to be drunk. So when they asked him...
I checked the number, and I think it is the other way around hoss.
I say don't drink and drive. You might spill your drink.