Understood. But I am willing to bet that had poweder had the same kind of effects in the gated communities that crack had in the hoods the...
I thought it was pretty common knowledge that black civic groups led the charge for tough anti-crack laws. They did this with good reason. You...
Yes and the repeated miserable failures of socialist nations has nothing to do with that 'taboo'.
You forgot to thank all the black civic leaders who demanded tough laws aginst crack because of all the inner city violence.
I am in the process of building a turtle pond in my back yard. I will probably keep 8 aquatic turtles, a box turtle, and a tortoise in the...
I think Barack Obama will probably make a few headlines.
Unless I caught you in the first 400-600 yards you would get away from me.
I get an uneasy feeling when we start talking about eroding state's rights for more federal government.
Health insurance is regulated by the various state boards. Selling it across state lines seems to have some benefits, but it would also require...
What you are talking about is a sum of roughly 9 trillion dollars. I don't think another 9 trillion dollars of debt would have done anybody very...
I don't know how great the Ryan plan is. It cuts a lot, and Republicans say it brings us to a sustainable point, but Republicans are every bit as...
If you do what I am talking about you have a basis to justify why you are going after entitlements. Basis being it will solve the freaking...
But what is wasteful spending? Paul Ryan and Barney Frank are going to have different views on that. That will bring forth a lot of political...
What is the point of 1-9 if they are going to be ineffective? We have to solve this issue, and soon. We can bicker over program cuts or we can...
That is just it. Billions don't matter. We need to cut over one thousand billion. The only places you find that kind of outlay is in the...
These dudes aren't reformed!!! Do you think these Freshmen Republicans who were so gung-ho and could only manage to cut 30 billion from the...
When trying to solve a problem you don't generally go around addressing things that are not related to the problem. Why bother ourselves with...
All this job hopping. You are so refined and millennial.
Red Hat isn't fortune 500.
You can cut all foreign aid from the budget and you go from a deficit of 1.45 trillion dollars to a deficit of 1.449999 trillion dollars....