That makes absolute sense, but it is never going to happen. The AICPA and major corporations have powerful lobbies. There are several multi...
Then do one of the bazillion other things that would get you a deduction.
Whoever said I was right wing? red, last year my W2 showed 91,000. How much should I have paid?
There is no discrimination. You can have the breaks as soon as you get yourslf some kids. And then its retroactive to the begining of the year....
Yes. The tremendous suffering cuased each of us by the deficit. I quake every time the phone rings because it might be the Chinese wanting to...
How so?
It is a large part of it. All those old folks and near old folks on Social Security want lots of children to keep slaving away to pay their benefits.
Noone in the middle class had to give up anything they earned in order for the rich to pay fewer taxes. This only matters if you care about...
Hey dude, I got news for you. You made the decision to have a paid for house and be single. There is a reason people get tax incentives for...
Because you can afford it man. Look, it costs me X amount of dollars to feed my family every month, and another Y dollars to pay for a home that...
In getting rid of tax deductions you may be doing more harm than good. Deductions allow people to keep more of their money which means they buy...
What you are describing would be a crippling tax increase on the middle class and a massive tax cut for the wealthiest Americans. The working...
No silly. The goal is balance. If we have huge deficits that is because the government isn't taxing the rich enough.
I think that is the picture you see from way out there on the left. Those of us in the middle see that Democrats and Republicans are pretty much...
What you are describing is Cajun English. Cajun French is a regional dialect. Much of the grammar is identical to Parisian French, and that has...
Do you think the government spends money effectively and efficiently?
Don't personify inanimate things. They hate when you do that.
How many times am I going to have to show you the CBO numbers that show the wealthiest Americans already pay the highest effective tax rates, and...
Yeah. You see we are exceptional. The best at everything. If we went all socialist, we could fail way better than those Soviets or Chicoms or...
If we go down the socialist path (more than we are) we will be able to fail faster and in a grander fashion than any other failed socialistic nation.