loved this. id think people of all political persuasions would like to read the Q&A transcript. President Obama Q&A session with House GOP -...
i agree no great comparison for tebow. crouch is too small. i thought harrington because he was athletic enough and not dumb or lazy, i guess....
yes, you are confused. unless you are posting something unrelated to a post you quote. because i said nothing to the contrary.
absolutely, but think about what they were like. not athletic enough dorsey wuerffel hodson david greene etc dumb/lazy russell leaf...
you are confused. the housing bubble was a major reason the decade's economy was good. it is not good now
the fear is that vilma's actions indicate that he is more satisfied with winning the nfc than focused on the sb. but this discussion is really...
there's the rub. the ncaa considers them amateurs. they cant (shouldnt) have it both ways.
anyone know why he wasnt invited to nfl combine? (please no blaming crowton for this)
i think he'll make it. some team has to give him a chance and let him learn for a few years. you can learn mechanics. you cant learn size,...
how do yall think kiffen is stupid. dude left a top 25 job for a top 5 job---without being successful. seems to me, hes the smartest of the bunch.
thats exploitation. they should be able to go get a job whenever they want. if ncaa wanted to pay them then they could make them stay a minimum...
i already posted that im not talking about celebration immediately after the game. a W on a FG in OT should cause that reaction even in reg...
hard to quantify. probably. me and mine will have a larger tax burden or fewer benefits because of it. but no military family killed or wounded...
not all military action is created equal. its not productive to agree with it just because you are patriotic or your fav party was for it. wrt...
Second bit of good news. the first was positive GDP growth in the 3rdQ that ended the recession. O had it right about the "lost decade"....
sorry. honestly, im half-luddite.
i thought that was a woman.:eek::lol:
i was understanding "quality" referred to nfl since college quality backs can be busts. far as i can tell irons hasnt touched the ball in the nfl.
is there really a need for HD on a 9" screen?
i dont think itll have 1/100th the impact of the ipod because it is trying to replace books. i never see myself reading an ebook until there are...