Outside of USC, there is no team on the West Coast that the media favors. So this "West Coast bias" crap doesn't exist.
I wasn't yelling, it was tongue-in-cheek.:)
There is a different poll up now, so now you have to click on the college football link at the top and scroll down.
Dead serious question: Ramah, are you retarded, or maybe even a slight case of mental retardation? Please answer that seriously, I really want to...
Vote anyway, dammit! You're part of this too...:hihi:
S.I. is doing a poll for the matchup of the weekend. Notre Dame-Michigan is currently in the lead. Let's change that. Scroll down the the bottom...
Was that quote in your sig, by Cparso, made about Miles?
That's not really so. Four of those games weren't low scoring for one or the other team and in fact three of those matchups were blowouts....
Nice! The best part is when Landry makes the sack and the song says..."mess with the bull, get the horns"....
Get lost Ramah, bandwagoner.
Actually, those that set the lines see this as a pretty even matchup. When that happens, the home team is automatically favored by 3. 3.5...
"Raise up" by Saliva
I'm sure someone did witness a player spit on the ground/eye, but it has now overblown into the entire team taking part in some sort of spitting...
Re: ESPN College Gameday College Gameday is great exposure for both schools.
ESPN College Gameday College Gameday will be at the USC-Nebraska game this weekend. I could think of one better matchup, and it includes two top...
I watched the team gather at midfield, but personally witnessed nobody spitting or even doing anything disrespectful. They were however jumping up...
Based on how each team was playing throughout the entire game, a good argument could be made that we were indeed the better team. I believe we were.
I don't know, bad calls by refs cause the better team to lose quite often.
Great read in my opinion. If anything, I feel more confident about this game after reading that. The title is the only thing I have a problem...
There is no way in hell this guy is serious....or is he?:shock: Since 2000, Rutgers has gone... 3-8 2-9 1-11 5-7 4-7 7-5 Where in the...