That was a weak attempt, Oliver coached at both schools Bama and AU more than once. Please show me where he took ex-Alabama players to recruit for...
You know he wouldn't be around if Saban wasn't there.:lol: I agree with Twisted!
It isn't all about Saban lying, make no bones about it he lied. He could have just said that he had no comments until after the season. This is...
I almost forgot, Saban also got some of our LSU players playing in the pros to go with him on his first recruiting trip after arriving at Bama. I...
He hasn't had class in a long time if ever. He lied about not leaving LSU He lied about not leaving the Dolphins He lied about taking the Bama...
I'm sorry but this really isn't a surprise to me. What is the big deal? He is going to take up for his team right or wrong. He's at Alabama now,...
I had no idea how right I was about Obama being another Jimmy Carter!:insane::lol: We once again have Americans held hostage in Iran. Can't wait...
It wasn't about that. I derailed my own thread and this is just too important a topic than to get side tracked right now! If you are talking about...
I deleted some of my posts from this thread. I am feeling much better today than I did the last few days. Sadly, I think just as little of...
Not only that but they aren't that arrogant yet. It wasn't that long ago when they were in their dark ages. Their program was so bad that they...
Not only that but some should have learned from the last election. You have to wonder how many people have been at tea parties and town halls and...
Well it seems to me that Hasan said a lot of stupid things before he killed a bunch of innocent people. I will say that the only thing we can do...
Remember how I said politicians are scum of the earth. Include lawyers in that also! If its two things I hate the most its those two.
New York-Based Radical Muslim Hails Fort Hood Massacre - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - Why should we...
After reading the posts here. Everyone knows what I think Of JL after last year and that I thought the coaches should have JJ in sooner. Having...
The public option will be no option for some. Those whose employers decide to cancel providing health insurance for employees because they simply...
Sadly that is where we are headed unless we can find a way to stop this!:insane: People must be ignorant not to be suspicious about comments made...
I emailed the address in the other link. I said that the commissioner and the SEC references are the laughing stock of the country. The...
You may have a point but I really think OBL and the terrorist attacks were the beginning of the end since you mentioned that time period. I don't...
I had to really think about this. I wanted to say Florida yes, Bama no, no matter what! Under the circumstances I can't root for either team. It...