I love TT and all, but the mere mention of his name in the same sentence as Chuck Norris is grounds for a roundhouse kick to the face, followed by...
I'll bet you wouldn't have been laughing if Redick wasn't white. :thumb:
Roger that. Posted as requested. Though if I go down for this, you're all coming with me!!!
ESPN Insider has an article by him that basically says "I told you so" in that Duke was exposed for their lack of athleticism and that LSU had all...
I'll drink to that! :thumb: :geauxtige
Here you go: http://espn.go.com/dickvitale/060323VitaleonLSU.html
I did see that interview and didn't think it was unclassy. If I were in his shoes, I could've possibly seen Big Baby's comments as derogatory...
I certainly haven't seen anything like that from him. But hey, whatever. I guess it's ok to be just as unclassy to somebody if that's what's...
Honestly, give me a break. He was one of the best (if not THE best) players in the country who simply got shut down tonight. He's been...
*In my best Larry the Cable Guy impression* I don't care who ya are, that's funny right there!
Because I live in Gulf Breeze, where the cable service is beyond horrible, I don't get ESPNews. Can somebody recap it for me?
Whhhhhhhhhhhhy did CBS switch to the Illinois game???? I hate CBS right now.
Did anyone see when they came back from commercial showing the Aggie student section and one of the fans was holding a "Go Aggies" sign upside...
Tennessee got the Shocker!!!! :hihi: Couldn't resist...
It's happening in every sport in every league. The refs are deciding the game based on who they think should win or which is the more popular...
Do you really think that that's the kind of person we want here? His posts were, for the most part, obnoxious and immature. I'm glad he's gone.
Re: When is the LSU Syracuse game scheduled for? [img] [img]
Re: When is the LSU Syracuse game scheduled for? My hatred for the state of Texas is only superceded by my hatred for the state of New York. :hihi:
Re: When is the LSU Syracuse game scheduled for? I've got A&M winning, as well.
Re: When is the LSU Syracuse game scheduled for? Saturday.