wow. the SOS picture will demand a computer to figure it out. This is one messed up year in NCAA football! :oldskule:
After today's game, they might not even say "goodbye". He's liable to get back to knoxville and find all his stuff sitting on the sidewalk outside...
The only sad news I saw was that Harry Potter author JK Rowling outed Dumbledore last night. Yep, he's gay. True story, I'm not making this...
I've been watching off and on - is it just me, or is Tennessee's D pretty awful? DJ Hall is loose and running every time I get a chance to watch!...
Ahhh - the "good old days" when indiscretions could be cured with just a shot. I remember them well. But these days, it's really scary out there....
Hey, two against one! No Fair, man! :oldskule:
Austin, I don't think that explains anything. I mean, yeah, it does show where it started, but doesn't explain why the author feels that way. Or...
Do folks really do that on purpose? What's the attraction for the tourist $$? Just curious and wondering if I missed something. :oldskule:
thanks, Jersey. :oldskule:
an impressive D stand :oldskule:
and we thought we had punt return problems... has Rutgers caught a punt tonight?:oldskule:
TenTex, Way back when, there was a thing called the South West Conference. The member schools were Arkansas, Texas, Texas A&M, TCU, Rice, Baylor,...
I'll pass that on to CLM when he calls for my advice. I'm sure he's stumped. :wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink::wink:
Tainted, Schmainted. Give me the HARDWARE and the rest can go to .....wherever they want!...
Seconded. Good Luck, Tigers! GEAUX!! Get 'em!
Best idea I've heard in a long time. The students can claim a "victory" of sorts, and no one gets offended. A Solomon-like solution! :oldskule:
My Dad, the Texas Aggie, taught me that cheer about 55 years ago. I liked it then, I like it now. But how often does it come up in conversation?...
Re: Our next defensive cordinator Well at least he comes from a good, solid Louisiana team. :oldskule:
lp, just wondered who you were thinking of. I don't keep up with the other coaches as much as I should. I'd hate to see CLM leave, but if he...