The investigation not over, nothing should be inferred about anything.
You got that right!
My hi-cap mag/bump stock story. My gun range is near a Marine Air Station. The young marines like to come there and shoot long and loud, One day...
I like the Springfield XDs. Won’t say how many I have, my wife might, somehow, see this post. Mine are all 9mm, I kept them the same for logistics.
Learn to aim and shoot accurately! You won’t have to compensate with overly large mags.
Use of gun or facsimile thereof, in any crime, should be summary execution by arresting officer. If you are worried about not getting a trial,...
Does the fact that AR-15 (black rifles) are used in mass shooting after mass shooting, generate any curiosity or suggest anything, whatsoever?
That painting is bizarre. Like he is levitating in front of an ivy covered wall. Plus, his face is old, and ugly. Michelle’s portrait is even...
Read entire post, please.
What’s the alternative to taking action to curb gun violence? Seriously. Just do nothing? Really.
If you were the parent of the 17th killed, you might think otherwise. Surely you guys don’t think that a guy with 15 round magazines is as lethal...
I don’t plan on being the only one to give mine up.. but I would if it would prevent the next school shooting. OBTW, two of my wife’s co...
Well. Ban all semi automatics, with forced confiscation. And death penalty for having one in your possession. You asked. This would be highly...
The answer is EFFECTIVE laws.
First of all “cars” are never a good arguments in a gun debate since you have to be licensed to drive one, you must register them, annually, and...
I agree 100% with you. So . . . If society is no longer the same, maybe access to guns, or mags, or bump stocks should not be the same, either....
y For starters, limit max rounds in a magazine. Mandatory CONFISCATION of magazines with greater than “n” rounds capacity. Harsh punishment...
OMG! You are right. I will just run around in circles, waving my hands and wailing at the top of my voice!
I have preached this: real, harsh, quick consequences for any crime conducted with a firearm, forever. Even the most passionate and aggressive...
It is time (actually, way past time) for significant and disruptive gun control. No one needs weapons that hold large magazines or that can be...