A car full of Irish nuns is sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin, when a bunch of rowdy drunks pull up alongside of them. "Hey, show us...
I dunno, but it seems to me that EVERY school shooting features armed deputies/SWAT cowering behind dumpsters or “tactical” vehicles. I used to...
IMHO a pump action shotgun is about the best home defense weapon. When your life is on the line, and it better be when you pull the trigger, it...
I don’t think anyone here is going to change any minds. Don’t intend any further response on this topic since, well, since it can go on and on,...
Thanks for making my point. As I addressed earlier, there is no substitute for honorable parents that “parent” their children. As did my dad and...
No matter what you say, how you insult me, no matter how wildly you shriek you can’t get past the fact that these mass shootings have at least two...
That was funny!
Now, now. Get them knickers out of a twist. Here is an easy one for you. Do you think everyone should have the right to a machine gun? Since...
The problem the “when you pry it from my cold, dead hands” guy’s arguments is that regardless of all the arguments, testimony, excuses, and...
Once of my favorite priest once stated he was 100% for keeping religion out of schools, because he wanted to teach his children about religion,...
Every year I taught we had a small handful of kids that fit the profile. There were several that were right there. The counselor was informed,...
That’s exactly what I said! Imagine the FL shooter with a bow and arrow vs AR style weapon. There’s your answer. Oh, I am not anti-gun, either.
Yes, it’s like a town . . . . except you can drown.
Eternal vigilance!
I was on small surface ships for the vast majority of my sea duty. Only the aircraft carrier had marines for security.
Our side arm was the ol’ .45. Lots of stopping power but wouldn’t go through bulkheads. Ship interiors, like homes, are pretty confined. Not...
Bush, like Carter, is a lot better ex-president rather than president.
This. Those high velocity rounds will take out folks in your house and your neighbors, too .
I agree. "The Judge" is loaded and ready, about 1/2 arms length from my bed. As long as the super thin cylinder walls don't blow, I feel pretty...
NOTHING would be better than to have the President come out of this smelling like a rose. Nothing. We are all much better off with a great,...