We used to have a saying at USNA,”If the minimum wasn’t good enough, it wouldn’t be the minimum.” Unfortunately, OC-wise, E was not up to minimum...
One of the best posts I have seen. Good job!
C — winning the championship is expected, therefore average!
In singing E’s praises they kind of gloss over Grice and Fournette in 2016.
She did, too!
Looking for anything to cast the current spectacle in a positive light. Thanks.
Pretty bleak article.
When you say LSU Football, think Duke Lacrosse. That’s all you need to know. I am truly sorry, but the OC saga, as outlined above, is/was worst...
Damn, sounds just like my wife!
If E is the best we could do, I have no problem. But if O went with him on the cheap, or for convenience, or friendship, then that’s a problem....
ESPN is running a second broadcast they have termed the Homer broadcast. Have Gump player with big honking mic in 1/4 of screen, UGA player and...
Dayum, I wasn’t paying attention and put the tv on the alt channel, “the homer broadcast.” I was incredulous watching game on 1/2 screen. I...
What good is his testimony? He lies with impunity, in fact, I would bet the big bucks he does not even know it.
Pretty ambivalent about this game. Feel about the same about both teams. Checked the Woman’ s Channel, no movie tonight so I guess I’ll watch....
Uhmmm . . . That sounds like something Trump would say!
No one is saying the earth does not go through cycles of warming and cooling. It is well known and documented. Think ice age, I know you know...
Red was great. Miss the guy!