No he wouldn't. Bama had him flustered. If we don't move the ball with the option we DO NOT even get into field goal range. Lee was largely...
Oh believe me brah, it ain't penis envy. Maybe you should know a little more about me before trying to call me out when I was clearly trying to...
Then shouldn't this thread be in the Pro Sports Forum?
:lol: Notre Dame still clinging onto their prestige from the 60's or whenever the phuck it was. How the hell do they make that much $$$ with no...
Matt Barkley of USC Trojans says he's staying in school - ESPN Los Angeles Personally, I wouldn't mind playing USC in a bowl so we can stomp a...
Yeah I could've added him, Dave Wilson, Jeff Blake, Bobby Hebert, and Ken Stabler too.
I think he means top 5 saints qb's of all time....I think. 1. Aaron Brooks :hihi: 2. John Fourcade :hihi: 3. Steve Walsh :hihi: 4....
I think at least part of it is because the older we get, the more we notice more younger people coming to the forum. In addition to that, I think...
Figure that out all by yourself did ya? :hihi: :P
I'm offended. All of you just GTFO. :hihi:
Yeah I saw that too. As I previously stated, Adrian Peterson is a whiney little beeyatch.
All the years I've lived in this area, and I could NEVER bring myself to say this. :D
Adrian Peterson of Minnesota Vikings thinks New Olreans Saints players tried to injure him - ESPN Personally, I say suck it up and shut up...
I can't believe we're still talking about this.
He's little. Just beat his ass and take her. :hihi:
...or Texas Tech or Baylor. :hihi:
Kathy Griffin. One way or another, that bitch should disappear.
This +1000. Everyone seems to forget that sh*t. Fuggem.
That movie was sh*t. From the entire notion of the story, to Kevin Costner's Tom Hanks-like acting ability, to the stupid, hand and foot webbing...
Me. 10+ years ago that is...:hihi: