We really don't want USM in the SEC. The Miss talent pool is already seriously depleted, and adding another Miss school will further stretch...
Having known Peyton since 5th grade, he did not want to come to LSU because the pressure for him to be better than he was would have been too much...
Nothing wrong with tailgating with donuts and OJ if you add a little champange to your OJ.
For a lead-in to an eventual ovehaul of a playoff system, I would like to see a 3 game playoff using the top 4 in the BCS standings. This gives...
That's what they said during the PPV Sat night. He has not been practicing. Sucks for him. If you've ever had migraines, you really feel for...
I'll take the help wherever I can get it. If Ole Miss gets beat down by AU, then so be it. Whatever stregthens are schedule is in our best...
Thanks for the positive vibes PT.
ST has it right based on today's NCAA. TE's train of thought is correct for the redshirts of old. Sorry TE, it used to be that way but things...
Please do, cause it gets much better than R&Ks. I promise.
Maybe that's the story. I was born an LSU fan, albeit 28 years ago. Since you have been a fan longer than I have been around, that could explain...
This same argument can be made in the Big East, ACC, and Big 12. There are only a couple of teams that are upper tier, and the rest begin to fall...
Webster is only in his 2nd yr as a DB. He will vastly improve his stock following a solid Sr season. Clayton is 50-50 IMO. How this season...
I never thought of LSU / Ole Miss as much of a rivalry, much less a natural rivalry. Do you think that because Manning chose to attend Ole Miss?...
Best I can recall, the series ran its course and A&M chose not to renew the contracts for all the wrong reasons....yadayadayada.
The penalty fees for backing out of these home and homes need to be escalated to the point where it hurts to back out of the game....
1. If Mauck stays, he will be the man. 2. If Mauck leaves, the starting job will be decided in the Spring, like it is every year. The most...
Did they try a Cleveland Steamer? How's that for effect?:cool:
Going the wrong way there TS03. Games currently start 3:30 Eastern. A 1pm Eastern puts us at Noon. Talk about some crap. Its bad enough having...
Thanks Mike D. Barrington will continue to contribute. As demonstrated by this season already, we are regularly playing our 3rd and 4th string...
If you thought that food was good, just wait til you get to eat at a better restaurant next time you visit. R&Ks is probably the worst seafood...