I don’t disagree a lot with your rant. On balance I believe the conservatives are selfish and mean while the liberals are pretty much stupid.
You see, when you are running comparisons between the GOP, the Dems, the media, the House, and/or the Senate you are working with five of the...
Cut and paste!
Here is one for Shane: ---This is apparently from a list found in the garbage of Hillary Clinton--- I'm still trying to figure out how I lost...
Nothing burger served up by cretins.
I remain astounded how all of us can observe the same facts, or, the same lies, yet draw such a different set of conclusions.
I don’t think any “sound bite” solution is worth a shit. A broad range of issues need to be addressed, and access to guns is only one of them....
Nothing like a hot babe with a pair of 38s!
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of kooks!
Yeah, I’ve heard of them. Some loser was in the news the last month or so, can’t remember the stunt, but he was a living breathing member. So...
Damn!!! I missed this the sentence the first time through. What a visual! Show tunes and shit!
Michelle Obama did just that with her cafeteria guidelines!
Was thinking more of digitized, social media, where every Tom, Dick, or Harry can spout off anything they want, and send it, unedited/fact...
Geaux Tigers, R.I.P. Mr. Cannon, prayers to family and friends.
Yes, bullying was an issue at Parkland. Agree totally. It is so much easier to blame an inanimate “thing.” Having said that, In the interest...
I sense certain commentators and journalists are put off that the dreaded AR-15 was not used in the shooting. I read somewhere that the absence...
Call me a Facists if you must, but I believe we’d get more bang for the buck by overhauling the 1st. Back in the day, a Looney could influence...
As he picked up his hammer and saw!
For those that are ambivalent about teachers carrying, here is something to think about. I am only addressing my experience, but I’m pretty...
We had several Air Force guys. Like I said, most!