McNabb hasnt played all that well but I dont think you underestimate the effect of Westbrook being banged up. He played the last half of this year...
Fitzgerald is a beast.
That was a VERY impressive drive by the Cards. Bolden being in this game makes a difference. Eagles cant focus on Fitzgerald as much.
From this weeks US Air ditching. [img] FAIL [img]
Why would you embarrass yourself and your family with a ridiculous lawsuit like that? What a bizarre divorce but so many are when big money is...
All my music friends rave about this guy. They say he is technically the finest singer they ever heard. Sadly he died before his time and very...
Such a tough thing to list. Its so subjective when you consider the greatest rock voice could be the most unique and distinguishable (like a Joe...
I dont mind Panetta's appointment. The CIA isnt a broken cluster phuck like government health care policy. Someone from outside the intelligence...
Chavis has a reputation for being an EATING MACHINE. He can DESTROY a plate full of food. He will fit right in around Louisiana.
Re: Janzen Jackson I'll ask my wife's uncle but I talked to him the other day when someone posted Guidry had been hired and he said "who is...
Another tid-bit from that same page. Did realize Pete Carrol was a Hermaphrodite. PMS Petey!
Nice Caption [img] After making his opinion known, USC coach Pete Carroll left Mark Sanchez's press conference by giving the departing...
He doesnt rise to the level of expert. There are many health care economists and scholars more deserving of that tag. I hope he employs real... It is 2007. I thought something didnt sound right about Machen. It was two years...
I like vball, she usually has substance to her posts but you cant polish this turd. Since last night I have watched numerous clips and extended...
Tenn may seem like they have a bottomless supply of money but Saban and Miles each make more than both Kiffins and Orgeron put together. The...
The old bag of usual. Thompson doubles his salary from 225K to 450K going to Tennessee.
For someone who likes to back up his position with facts you arent very good at following the same line of thinking. I've already posted that...
And one of the strongest guys especially for his size. He was on ESPN doing seated military presses with 100lb dumb bells. Thats crazy strong....
I didnt realize Miles was doing this at Okie St too. I assume it was more for coordinators though since multi-year contracts for position coaches...