"please stay off the field" "John Doe, please report to campus police".......RIGHT, I'll be right over! "The Gators are PEEEEEEEEENILIZED 10...
You wear a brown armband to work? Is it good luck or something?
Damn, I kind of liked Peabody....... but for that comment, I'll have to go watch the 2004 Sugar Bowl again. care to join me, Peabody?
Is there anyway we can get Ben McDonald to work with Jim H. on the radio instead of Charled Handlegrips?
97 out there....
They're the team beating LSU right now...... From the Northeast, I believe...
Quinn S. just made his first big play ever as a Tiger. Props to Smoke for being such a great coach. He demonstrated how to make that same catch...
"escort" it or shoot it down if the plane comes anywhere near our soil?
I'll have 3 of whatever BB is smokin' or drinkin'........
Damn, I need a roastbeef poboy asap......
AM Mart.. They use a "press" and a good press at that..... Some of the best po boys around. I find George's to be below avg. at best.
Imagine if we cared that much about our own people.....
5. The sky is blue
A BAMA boy found those remarks offensive?
Not unless a booster made direct payments to his father...... So the answer is no. His paycheck comes from the company he works for. Look...
I feel you should give up any tickets you receive to the SECCG to me. It's one of the best road trips out there, second only to Florida............
It's called being an attorney
Great, perhaps we can go to the picture show this weekend?
Beware of the cougars around town. :thumb: We had a 40 year old cougar over here a couple weeks ago. These cougars are aggressive and...
I train my dog to chase and terminate cats. One day he might kill a dachshund, mistaking it for a kitty. I hate finding paw prints all over my...