Another lead off hit....
What a game......
$#@!&* Double play $#@!&* UNO #$@!# :cuss:
What the hell are you talking about and why the hell are you talking about it? Corny?
We're walking out the door to go see the Blue Angles. They have the WWII show today also. I'll bring back some pics. Bring us home another win...
I wish martin would start posting again. Like the above post, he often had intelligent opinions. The above statement now has been confirmed to be...
Welcome guys
Ranaudo just about took the batters head off a second ago. He seems a little wild. Runners at first and third. Come on Tigers...the wife is...
Now it's time to get three more outs and call it a night.
Nice hit for McGee. He was smiling from ear to ear.
They just showed highlights of the '98 GA Tech/LSU game. Final score 29-13 LSU. They had a 79 minute inning where LSU set the record for most runs...
That was a beautiful double play. Hell of a throw!
It'll do....:hihi:
Another gift run.
Make that 20 hits.
Every LSU player had a base hit by the second inning. Four Tigers had two hits. Has to be a record.
Should have had a double play there. But good out anyway.
The first baseman just went chasing after Hollander as he ran to second. On TV they said it was as if Hollander had a $100 bill hanging out of his...
Wow! What a gift. First baseman just ran off...Mitchell reaches first on a little infield hit. WTF? :rofl: Make 'em pay Tigers!