A few pictures of the children! [IMG] Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to...
I WILL bring you into it because you guys are trying to do the same thing. Its not like your logic isn't flawed either, everyone has there beliefs...
You are playing games with me Amigo.:insane: You are going on my ignore list. I didn't quote your post here quick enough, you said you weren't...
Same for yourself, Gummy or LSUMM. Don't play this high horse game with me, it aint going to work Amigo! You are the third one to do this and I've...
Well, You have never talked to me before yesterday and anyone on this board can tell you have a serious attitude problem. You take things to...
I explained the situation above to you very clearly. I STILL don't see any benefit from making torture legal because its always been done and its...
California Requires More Energy-Efficient TVs - How Green? - FOXNews.com Quotes from the article: "Wednesday's action by the California Energy...
Tell me about it. Look at it this way, Tyler was four when Cami was born and he will be nine in May! I just can't believe it! Anyway, I have a...
Well we have heard of the any right wing so does this mean people like this are the angry left wing?:lol: I have to tell everyone that I was...
Dude, you gotta get better QB skills in NCAA 10!:) Is that road to glory, I have NCAA 09 from last year. I guess that is campus legend if I...
Hi Everyone. I would have updated sooner but I kept getting an error when trying to pull this thread up. Cami had an EKG and Echo on Friday and...
Wow, life is too short to talk to people like yourself. Like i said, we aren't on the same planet so lets just ignore each other. Edit:Politics...
No, I am for saving innocent lives. War is war and war is hell and fought to protect society in most cases. I don't want to support torture at all...
You didn't react to well to me but i guess I will take a stab at this. You have to distinguish between natural and man made global warming. I...
NO, not my logic probably yours and everyone else's also. You can't support the left and their agenda without the constitution being trampled on...
NO! WE are law abiding citizens who many of our ancestors came to this country legally and respected the country and its laws. WE have no problems...
Ok, so that is the problem we have in this country today. Fox News says it is CNN. MSNBC, ABC says something different. This is why the country...
Quote: But the government panel of doctors and scientists. Again, I don't trust...
We can agree to disagree here. I was against Tarp. I allowed the Patriot Act because we have terrorists living among us, that is the only reason,...
What do you mean?:lol: It goes back to our conversation a while back about my beliefs in the founding fathers, remember? My values fall right in...