No dude. Them Taliban were really the government agents who 86ed the SEALs. They also had to be killed so they wouldn't talk. Open your eyes.
My 96 year old grand father recently passed. Sunday night I got to thinking if I wanted to make it as far as he did I needed to start eating like...
I think its more like he's losing to anybody.
You forgot Spain, Ireland and Portugal. Countries that all nearly defaulted on debt in the last year. By the way LaSalle, which EU countries...
You should stick to the Den, where some of your posts make sense.
Of course the downgrade has to do with the deficit. I don't know how cloesly you followed this story, but we didn't default on any obligations....
Will be there, but don't know any of the details. I plan on bringing my Gumbo pot, but don't know how that will work out.
Are you serious?
Lots of government programs run surpluses, but that isn't even a good measuring stick. A government program running a surplus just means they...
How is it the Tea Party's fault. Did they rake up the trillion dollars of debt? Did they create the trillion and a half dollar deficit budgets?...
Do you retire next week? Otherwise, why worry?
This is in accurate. If we are not winning by three touchdowns at half time there will be at least one thread calling for clm to be fired. To...
Indexes and ETFs. I want to buy it all, and not get eaten alive by fees.
What is the historical return on gold? How does that compare to the historical return of the S&P? Considering that 90% of gold's returns...
Investors who aren't very good at math.
You have taken care of less than one percent of the deficit. What else you got?
What is unfair about different types of income being taxed differently? They have different amounts of risk and result in different economic...
It isn't. I pay what I pay and you pay what you pay. You are not paying anymore because I am paying less. It is an individual income tax...
How can that article be worth anything? It wasn't even 13 pages.
My kids save me about 3,000 in taxes. They cost a hell of a lot more than that. If you want to save 3 grand off your tax bill find a charity you...