why does the infield look so bad
It's good PR. Everyone needs it. BTW: If y'all want a democrat back in office, make sure he's from the south. The only two presidents from the...
(begin slow clap)...
I'll still vote republican. The left has done a real good job at hiding the high points of this administration. The strong economy is one of them....
A true fan, for any team: TRIED AND TRUE
who is wofford and why is USC playing them?
i know that gas companies don't get much profit per gallon. only a few cents if that.
I think it's a supply and demand type deal. people are still out on the road in full force even after the prices go up. I also think the gov't...
I used to go to school with her at St. Jude and when she found me on Facebook, it said she went to 'Bama.
I'm mad over the 6-12 mark we have. The Ole Miss sweep sent me over the edge though
Smalls in this case would be LSU baseball. :olefire: Wow, this sucks. This is by far one of the best years for LSU sports and baseball has yet...
What is preventing the United States from becoming independent of foriegn oil. We can do it. We pump roughy 48% of our own oil and ethanol is very...
You know the coliseum look for the stadium would fit well with the Italian style architecture that makes most of campus. A mini Rome you could say.
Re: me Yea, she goes to 'Bama now.:dis:
Dirty Davy Flint
That's so idiotic. Those kids don't know anything about the matter except the fact that they are Mexican. if the are so damn proud of Mexico, then...
I can see if we was walking downstairs and trippped but tripping on the stairs walking up them usually doesn't make you hit the railing. And you'd...
Geaux Norwalk Sports Club! Ronald Dupree came from this camp too.
what if they gutted all of the south stadium dorms and turn it into an indoor habitat for mike with an outdoor habitat connected to it. then, a 8...
he did have a disappointing season, so did basketball. good thing we have smoke to keep us going.:hihi: