I wasn't declaring a victory, just that he was on the right track. Martin, not a hose storage
red, no cs, no herb, no bleblanc, no gynojunkie, no onceanlsufan, yes
I know, I think that was his way of saying he made a mistake. The implicit admission was on his part for his mistake. One day I'll get the full...
[media] Obligatory
What kind of coffee do you buy for your french press. I have one but have never used. I think I'm supposed to either grind my own beans or buy...
My opinion is that we can't catch the ball. I don't know if you can coach a guy to teach him to catch or if that's just something you assume he...
So I get an implicit admission of being incorrect about something? I guess that's the first step. One day I hope to actually get you to type...
Your chart shows all government employees including local and state. Unless I'm misreading something, I don't think there are 22 million federal...
Got lucky this week with some bad matchups and ended up cruising to 5-0. Next week is a cakewalk as my opponent has like 6 guys on bye week....
It's not like he decided to cut back on the size of the federal government and waste and eliminated 650,000 jobs. Those jobs were cut because the...
Yeah, I'll find something after lunch
[IMG] It's not what you initially think.
That's what I was working off of. I figured it had something to do with surveying and got lucky. I still think it can be used to look at a solar...
a tree canopy measuring tool. It must measure something. When it's not looking at solar eclipses that is.
It's a tool for looking at a solar eclipse.
Is it some sort of pocket sun dial?
I agree. A blind man should be able to see that. Our receiving corps in general are awful.
yeah, that was a tough one last week. I didn't see it til after the game. Anyway, the reason I was actually thinking chandler and davis was...
It's not. We're talking about competing with other countries which is something I wholeheartedly agree we should do. However, you have to be...