READ THE ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!! It says no such thing. And I searched for your article and cannot find it nor can I find anywhere where mark cuban...
Yeah, that's a good move but that opportunity doesn't come up all the time. I have put in so many waiver claims it's ridiculous. I can't even...
What about butterbean? [IMG]
No, he will never admit it. Just like Clemens, he's lied to the federal grand jury. There's no going back no matter how much evidence there is.
Can't answer that.
This link is a little better. Leaves no doubt as to what he told federal grand jury....
11 people, basically every teammate of his risking perjury charges over a grudge. I just don't see it.
That was awesome. I loved Lincoln when he yells for the eagle to pick him up.
It's much easier not to hate him now. Btw, they just said he's 61. I hope I look/act that way when I'm 61.
Seriously, reread my initial post and Cubans posting. This is for clarification as he explicitly states. What's wrong with you?
He didn't take a position and neither did I. Everyone is trying to figure out a plan and this is one mans opinion of what the plan is. I'm really...
Jesus Christ you should try reading what I posted instead of being a partisan hack. I said very clearly that I agreed with Mark Cuban's...
I'm actually more sure that he did it than I am OJ did it. I mean it's not even a question.
This about sums up presidential debates [media]
Back to the tax plan. Mark Cuban wrote a pretty good blog posting about his understanding of Romney's tax plan. I think it's spot on. This...
One or two people saying it is possible. Not ten or more. Look everyone doped. I don't understand why they have gone after him like this but he...
Yeah, i'm 5-1 now. Man, this whole waivers thing is bullshit. I haven't gotten one waiver claim this year and I make them every week. I have...
Really? You mean you don't think he did anything wrong because everyone was doing it right? Or do you think he didn't take in performance...