Damn, make that double damn!
Eugene Polley: Wireless TV remote
Actually, I hate STOOPID. Unfortunately, there is too much of that in each party, making it impossible to declare either Republican or Democrat....
Did they use seats?
WAPO cut off comment section on their article very quickly. Might be a hint.
Don’t confuse liberal with the current crop of welfare state/progressive/socialists.
Fair question. I don’t want to invest the time to give you the answer that you deserve. My bad.
It’s probably on me, but I’ve never seen anything from Sotomayor that made me think we were from the same planet. Hell, make it the same universe....
Like it or not, and I hated the delaying process (and I may have hated Obama’s nominee) The “reason” was next President, not next election. If...
Regardless of how I feel about the issues, watching these liberals/progressives squirming, one biatch just called for the people of Maine, to take...
I’m partial to thin, shapely ankles. Normally, if those are there, everything else falls into place. The opposite is true, too. Take Hillary, for...
It’s hard to compare, since people got “news” more or less once a day, and cross conversation was person to person, or maybe phone. Today the...
I get shit on by my daughters when I say midget. Especially when I tell midget jokes!
N Never forget, Jackson-Lee once asked if the Mars Rover was going to visit the Apollo Landing sites.
My plebe year (freshman) chem 101 prof was the world’s greatest authority on the bomb calorimeter. He was into research, exclusively. He cancelled...
I am so sorry. I have been told by every one of my ex-fellow teachers that I have come across that they were glad i retired when I did. In...
Not sure if you can “see” this, but I felt this was about the best summary of the situation at the border I have seen. I don’t think there is a...
Seems so simple. Legal - come on in, together. Illegal - get the hell out of Dodge, again together. If these countries are as bad as they are...