:hihi: The Diet Big K was entirely cost driven, until I realized it was better. If we're getting snotty on soda, why not include Abita root...
He is a good TE who suffered at Da U from bad QB play. He's not NEARLY at Sergeant Winslow's level (or Shockey for that matter) but should be a...
It's actually very common in the NFL. You don't see it much in MLB and the NBA, because the contracts are guaranteed. If you don't believe...
The reaction to this story just gets more and more preposterous. How does Leonard Little kill somebody while banging out a DWI, and then GETS...
Based on what I heard on his MySpace a few months back, that's a surprisingly bad decision. Doesn't he know that if he makes it to the NFL,...
It would have been critically important during football season, but was only moderately important since it was in the spring. :hihi: I don't...
Cherry Coke Zero -- finally opened a 2 liter that was on sale a couple of weeks ago, and it's mighty tasty. I don't like it as much as Diet Big...
Weis is known as a great QB coach, and it stands to reason that he would have gotten more attention than the other players (QBs included) on the team.
Credit, accolades, positive affirmation. To use it in a sentence, "I WOULD give Guilbeau some dap if he wasn't so useless. Instead, I'm going...
Absolutely. I started to pontificate, but Bill Simmons says it better than me anyway:...