up 19 with 7 to play. some hustlin mofos. lotsa steals and blocks. holding arkys two vgood guards to next to nothing.
looking good for W #1. up 17 mid2nd
it doesnt. but that is not a reason to be against it.
the problem is the 1 and done player has affects beyond his year. a program can only sign a certain # of players in a period of time (note how...
i oppose people that see a broken system but resist change (through their votes) because they are happy with what they have. this is akin to...
i didnt see it on nbc. check out deadspin.com.
noone gonna say anything about all the bro-sis pairs in ice dancing. in thongs. grabbing the groin and near the breast. yuck. whats wrong with...
tyranny of the majority
next year should be very tough too. i can see the extra yr experience plus malcolm white can replace tas, but then youre just back to status quo....
are you sure that is not a good thing?
i dont remember when he had full schollies. but i know he didnt when they won the sec and made the s16. so thats at least 3 yrs. how long...
i dont kwow which higher power you believe in, but im pretty sure the christian one doesnt value "achievement" too much---unless youre talking...
wait, but that only increases the probability that other life exists? whoops! too slow.
because if we werent genetically and culturally instilled with the desire to procreate then we wouldnt exist. men can father kids forever and...
huh, thats weird. they musta censored it.
single payer doesnt have a chance.
did my link not work?
i dont understand how you dont understand. he had severe sanctions, won 2 sec titles, and went to a ff. you extrapolate those #s and its like...
i think your "spending a trillion dollars" is disingenuine. are you really saying none of that trillion (over 10 yrs) will be spend without the...