ok, ill agree. but how the hell is he supposed to get anything done with pelosi and reid there and the gop taking the ball home?
because id have to wear glasses and put my hair in a bun.
cgi vid of col reb and adm ackbar Taiwanese CGI Geniuses Present: Ole Miss-Admiral Ackbar - Ole Miss Rebels - Deadspin
she should be kicked out of school.
centrist boy the wording of some of the questions were hilarious.
maybe he's off weed now.
well someone has to score.
yes i realize that in many ways he is opposite from yours but i consider them far from crazy and most of them laudable. love, charity,...
i find it more elegant than having to burn a sheep or pray 5 times a day. what do you find crazy about jesus? id think the closest way he was...
ill admit it if it happens. but by saying it this early you are really showing your hand.
anyone catch that zinger by larry conley? when the play by play guy said tas was 6 for 19 larry said it sounded like one of maravich's stat...
possible, but UT crushed MSU on the road Sat. not looking good.
i must say that, despite being an atheist, i hold christianity is higher regard than other religions. it is quite elegant and is not based on a...
redistribution of wealth
stong guess is ut. top two in each div get bye and thatll be uk and vandy. lsu as #6 will get the #3 in e.
martin has brought this up before, but i dont get the debate over the supernatural. i strongly believe there is none of it, but how christians...
i think cjones's performance at least has been debunked because most of his reps were not officially counted. but after seeing that the two...
but he is funny.
i dont know but dont ask the question too loudly, they may hear you and institute this. you would end up paying the deductible even in yrs when...