:hihi: Sorry man. I've been traveling.....just got home from west Texass. PM is forthcoming. How come this thread isn't a sticky yet?
Saturday Wee. Friday is mine and my wife's ten year anniversary. We'll be down in B.R. but not until late. I can be on campus Saturday as early as...
You wear your lucky purple, or else any loss is on you. :yelwink2:
Location TBD. I want to be close to the Box, but in an area that is kid friendly. Any suggestions Crip or Wee? Anyone heard from Grad lately?
For that reason alone we have to do this.
If Wee has plans, then he needs to cancel them. No excuses. :hihi:
I don't think we've ever done this outside of football season. I say we put together a meet and greet for this weekend. We'll bring the trailer...
We'll probably drive down late Friday, early Sat. I look forward to seeing some of you guys down there. We'll bring the trailer down and set up...
I'll have a represenitive waiting in line by 12 a.m. Weds. night. Hopefully eight hours before opening will be enough.
Exactly why we didn't go with a wrap.....that and the expense. I spent about $300.00 on our graphics. The goal was to be able to read it from the...
It does my heart good to hear all of those L-S-U chants. I've been arguing with Texas fans all day at a church social. I'll be pulling for OU this...
Thanks!! I got to hear the Clark HR just now. Thanks again!
I wish I would have brought my car over here. Then I could listen on XM. Hell, I forgot about XM, or I would have bought a Commander for the wife...
Is there anyway I can listen to the end of the game from where I'm at (Not near Louisiana)? Can someone provide a link? Thanks.
How are we doing guys? I like the score!
Thanks for the link brother. I wouldn't have thought to look for it this soon. Man!..I wish I could have watched this game.
Was this 27 or 28? I lose count. Geaux Tigers!!
So...will this be our 27th come from behind win?
I'm at an Airforce base in West Texas...I could use a drink myself.