So you're saying because there is no law against flag burning (which would be protecting the symbol), that the flag means nothing? I guess,...
The difference is, the cartoons were not being published in a Muslim country. I'm not staging wild protests and burning embassies, either. The...
Implied, my friend. We don't stop and salute the flag anytime it's being raised or lowered for nothing. :usaflagwa
Tell that to all the people who spoke out against Saddam. Oh wait you can't, because they were all murdered. I swore to defend the...
He disappeared alright...WITH SOMEBODY'S PURSE!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
We're still playing baseball? :hihi:
Nobody has the right to raise any flag above the American flag -much less fly it upside down - in this country. :angryfire
Re: Louisiana Tech trying to pull a prnk on us! The same could be said for this board, too.
Re: Louisiana Tech trying to pull a prnk on us! I would like to see them try as well. Talk about a feeding show!
Skip is pretty much the reason that college baseball is what it is today. He's a lock.
A lot of people are taking it way too literally. People need to understand that it is purely a work of fiction. As for me, I'm currently...
Captain Roger Vane Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You tend to blend into the...
Well if that's the case, better make it a cage match. That's right, I'm a trained cage fighter. And I'm pretty good with a bo staff. So you...
I understand that its a major national issue. I guess what I was trying to say is that I don't think that using the dress code ban as temporarily...
So every two weeks there's going to be a ban on certain clothing. That is no efficient way to solve a problem. If that's the case, then the...
I don't understand how spending an extra year in college where he can possibly polish his game and become a better all-around player would send...
How about we look at the issue at hand: discplining the students who were "exhibiting behavior that was interfering with instruction." Or in the...
It's not a question of punishing kids for not being friends. It's a question of punishing kids for discriminating against another because of his...
Simple. "That type of behavior will not be tolerated here. Maybe a day or two in detention will give you some time to think about that. If that...