I guess you missed the question?:confused:
So where did the money go? Are Obama and the Libs pocketing the money for campaigns or paying off organizations to pass their agenda?
From the Declaration of Independence... We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their...
I knew that but I just had to say that.:lol: I was thinking about Obama, he ran as a conservative, especially with the things he has in mind for...
I know you are wrong about the freeloading anyway. Have you ever heard of a sanctuary city? What do you think happens in that situation?
I am about ready to give up on this country. From Immigration to socialism, politicians are just crap! I don't take this country, those who have...
I have another scenario for you.... Joe Legal has a kid with Autism who has received medicare for 2 years to help with the cost of therapies that...
Sound familiar?? This is why I call those out for attacking capitalism, big oil, big business, Ceo. They are no different than government or the...
I don't totally know although that I know that Bill Oliver went back and forth between Alabama and Auburn. Like I said its happened numerous times...
I never said that but now that you mention it I don't believe in medical guidelines provided or pressured by the government. The timing of this...
Wow, had to work late. Glad the Tigers won and am looking forward to seeing them play next week!
You lost your argument when you said what if. It should be up to the individual to decide not government anyway. I am for the individual and their...
No, I'm not the one supporting people you say stuff like you should never let a good crisis go to waste. Nor do I support government take over of...
Some of this is because you aren't paying for your services. Third party payer is responsible for at least some of this. Next time you go in for...
When It comes to lives I always take the cautious approach. I don't have a problem with individuals making their own decisions. What I have a...
I think this is kind of interesting.
Creating Job Creation? Lawmakers Question Obama Administration Stimulus Claims - ABC News Quote from article: But the more complete data set is...
You are probably correct but until I see LSU play this year and get a feel of how their defense I'm clueless. The season is young, I hope you are...
Wow, ISU must just be terrible.:rolleye33: They were much better when I was the coach in Ch2k7.:lol:
I remember Brady Quinn either starting or at least playing against the Broncos a few years back. It might have been Cutler's first or second year...