If they want to make it any louder, they'll probably need to either tear down and rebuild the lower bowl or put a roof on the whole damn thing,...
Star Wars Episode IV - Han Solo has a bad feeling - YouTube
Most of the bandwagon jumpers are strictly football-related.
More than you'd think. My uncle used to be one of them.
Yeah. Goodbye natural grass, hello turf.
But the Allstar game can? Horsesh*t.
...is officially sh*t. All the "stars" of the league are all puss*es by not entering and making it exciting to watch. No one wants to lose...
Looks like an O2 sensor.
I think the NBA is a little more fun to watch when the Knicks are relevant, kind of like the Raiders and the NFL. I didn't like Carmelo in...
Maybe a 12 gauge.
Photos: Laron Landry is big. That size he could be a LB.
Well sh*t. It was worth a try.
Since its hanging above the deer heads, possibly used to catch the antlers?
Pretty much my first thought.
I'm no Knicks fan, I really don't care for any team, but the obvious is that getting rid of melo would be addition by subtraction.
Ok this thread definitely got jacked. :hihi: Who's turn is it?
That would look more like an auger bit. This thing looks like a giant Phillips screwdriver head.
I guess I should've said "pain in the hands" because that's what I was mainly referring to. I've had to string up many barbed wire fences, and...
It's used to pound metal fenceposts into the ground. Pain in the ass I might add.