And excited, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just believe in the Saban system. It will all work out in the end if LSU takes care of business. Just leave it alone. It will all work out....
:D :D :D Just remember, they say the cost of a college education in 20 years will be something close to 1/2 million....Invest wisely Dabbs!
Season ticket holder. However, my friend is TAF (~#1830). He called earlier this week and they confirmed his tickets and his ranking. He...
Hold steadfast season ticket holder Tiger fans...they are coming...
1. If you can convince my wife that her ticket belongs to you; and 2. You will be required to finance my daughters education. Fear not on...
Nope. Just got the email from LSU. I'm a season ticket holder. Dear Tiger Fan, Thank you for your show of support for the LSU Tigers by...
I heard that Mandeville High was raffleing off a pair, but not sure what the raffle ticket price was or how you could participate. Might warrant...
The ticket lottery. Just received my email. Everyone start checking your email...:D :D :D
They sure will be standing in line in Birmingham waiting for their check for $930K.
I think you covered it all. NO isn't necessarily known as a family friendly city. Its more of a place where you go to practice debauchery.
I grew up in NO, came to LSU, and never left BR. Now I work 2 days a week in NO. I love the smell of jet fuel in the morning.
Best thing you can do is run that NO blend through the espresso machine. Nothing like unfiltered NO blend to get you going in the morning....Now...
You're ruining the surprise....:dis:
If I'm not mistaken, I believe that UNOs EE program is superior to LSUs, and one of the best in the country. I'm an LSU ChemE, so don't go there.
I'm in the North and I remember it being $85 per seat. That meant that the average price of my seats including the fees was about $50 per ticket....
Thanks for the post linkja35. Stick around and enjoy this excitement with us.
My friend (LSU alum) is married to a Mich St. alum and she is so happy that we have Saban and that we are in the MNC. She said that she knew Mich...
Nobody every "Accidentally" goes to the Dungeon. If you went in and didn't know what you were getting into, that's one thing. But think about...
The media guide for the SECCG indicated his name as Nick Lou Saban. That seemed to clear up the whole Lou Saban thing for me. Since this was...