That'll teach you to party at the Flori-Bama... :)
We actually have 2 trophies, the crystal egg and the sugar bowl trophy.
Nice info. Thanks for the post...and welcome aboard.
Riverrat, I could see it as a sleight, but that is the first time that they give enough credit to LSU to say that they would beat USC. That...
I love how Carroll is credited with bringing D to the Pac-10. A dominating D that gave up over 500 yds to Ore. St. Really? Just goes to show....
Nothing official yet. but IMO, the following are gone. Webster - Nick told him that he is ready. Clayton - Nothing left to accomplish other...
I'm sure will have a slew of photos posted shortly.
I only drank one beer inside the Dome. The energy level and nervousness was son intense, that after a beer and some 'chos, nothing would have...
I think White was surprised how fast Turner closed on him. Its like he was looking down the field and all of a sudden, this Mack Truck plowed...
I never liked Holtz. Too arrogant. Quit ND when the going got tough so he wouldn't be fired. Can't beat you outright, so he resorts to gimmick...
You had a hands-to-the-face by an LSU offensive lineman followed by unsportsmanlike. Saban in the postgame, when questioned, didn't argue the...
Maybe Snoopy Doog could say, "Hey USC. Just wait one minizzle. The National Champs are right here in NO, fo shizzle."
Someone told me Big 11 crew, but I haven't been able to confirm it. They would be the least biased, IMO. ACC officials are just terrible. Big...
I think they are trying to stop the large telephoto lenses that are used by photojounralists. I don't think a small zoom on a regualr 35mm will...
nice timmyt. I think the classic "USC Sucks" if LSU wins would be nice echoing around the dome while they are trying to do postgame. It will...
Maybe he'll hit one of those 5-team parlays...
The whole USC NC is a farce. I am still laughing about how they have declared themselves NCs. As a previous poster noted on another thread, "I...
Tenn ranked that high is just as funny as Texas' inflated rankings. Must be something about "UT" that gets inflated...
You just'a Sooner Geaux Home.
I think it was closer to a Harry Carey type drunk fest. He had to be hard on the bottle (or can if you are Harry). He also needs to upgrade the...