And Dinardo's. :eek:
nice catch!
I would leave work early. You can bank on that.
I heard it also raised his severance from 10 mil to 15 mil if he was to be fired before his contract ended. Not sure how accurate this was, and it...
I could care less if any politicians showed up for a football game. It would all be for propaganda if they did anyways.
I was assuming a special teams coach will be hired. It was noted in the first post, and I've heard it before also.
They are creating a position that wasn't there before for special teams. Perhaps this is the reason for giving Peveto the title of Co-DC. It would...
Re: LSU in the 2000s -- on track to beat Spurrier in the 90's or Bear Bryant in the 7 LSU is 2-0 in National Title situations in the 2000's with...
They don't count conference championships as a conference win. That's lame.
If you hit ALT+Print Screen you only get the active window. I find this helpful sometimes.
Not sure if he wants the trophy or the crystal football though.
Are you talking about his one? If so Adlers is carrying them.
He only beat you by 15 months. :hihi: Nobody said nothing was going to be easy.
So is putting clothes on before taking a picture of a reflective surface. :eek: Made you look. :hihi:
I will be there.
When somebody talks smack on a subject that has yet to be proven, you have to wait and see what happens. So it's impossible to throw smack any...
Seems like they are going to be above my seats in the NEZ. Not sure if I'm glad or not. I'll be able to hear them a lot better. But I will have to...
With the price increase for season tickets I sure hope for my sake they start scheduling some better home OOC opponents. None too tough though,...