T -igers R -eally E -njoy V -ery A -ssenine B -ig Headed C -ommentators
R -ecognize U -r N -othing, T -rev.
When Michigan rapes USC and the bandwagon comes to a screeching halt, I think it would be hilarious if alot of the people at the Sugar Bowl...
Yeah, Saban wouldn't be saying anything but I gaurantee most of us fans would. I actually think the BCS worked in this instance. It corrected an...
Yeah, that's all we need now... Let lawyers get involved. They'll straighten it out, I'm sure. ;) Look, if we and USC were reversed, we would...
Dear Lulu, That's ok Lulu. I was cheatin' on you anyways. I'm dating a massive deformed head thingy named "Trev". I call him "runt" and we play...
Dear Junior, From Lulu Dear Junior, My love, how we have enjoyed our days together these past few years. The Tennessee Volunteers were not...
Re: Re: How to go to Sugar Bowl on a shoestring budget... For your viewing pleasure.... Please email me any offers for a wild night of fun......
Re: Re: How to go to Sugar Bowl on a shoestring budget... The tickets are pretty basic corner terrace seats, but upgrades to better seats...
I will definately be representing around DFW these next few weeks.
How to go to Sugar Bowl on a shoestring budget... Booked the package at BigEasy.com. I paid $1400 for two tickets, three nights at the Marriot,...
Staying at the Marriot on Canal, which is where the team will be staying. 3 nights, 4 days. I am a very happy cajun right now.
If we go to the Sugar Bowl instead of USC, I am going to go break into Tim Brandt's house and crack eggs on his face, then smear him with my...
Is this the worst commentary in a football game ever?
Before the USC game just now the ABC guys were talking about how "Some say" that a USC - OK matchup would be the best, and that no offense to LSU...
Better football team than Vandy? Yes, but they also have a better team than Miss St. and Ole Miss, all on a shoestring budget. The combined record...
Southern Miss baby! After all it is the largest school in Mississippi, and has media and recruiting markets in Mississippi, South Louisiana, and...
Several cars with LSU flags on them. Good to see it somewhere outside of Louisiana.
Heck of a warmup for tomorrow....